Welcome to the most northerly Photographic club on the UK mainland.
60th Anniversary - Club Members
60tn Anniversary Club Members
Objective of the Club
The furtherance of multi media photographic art and technique among amateur workers and others; by exchanging friendly ideas and mutual assistance among members as well as organising, holding and participating in lectures, presentations, demonstrations, exhibitions, competitions, field trips, training events and such like.
The club has an increasing number of members who participate in and enjoy various forms of photography.
The club meets at 7:00pm (for 7:30pm) on the first & third Mondays of each month from September through to April.
The club offers a warm welcome to anyone interested in photography, regardless of skill level or format used.
Club events are listed on the Diary Page.
North Highland Challenge
The North Highland Challenge is a competition held between camera clubs in the North of Scotland.
All clubs enter ten pictures in various categories which are then scrutinised by a judge and the winners selected in each category.
Studio Sessions
During the winter the club holds studio sessions at it's regular meetings.
These vary between Still Life & Portrait sessions.
Outside Events
During the summer and on some dark evenings during the winter the club members meet and go to a chosen location to photograph different areas and subjects in the county of Caithness.
A Selection of Members Pictures